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Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 10/30/22

Year: 2022

Journal of Social Sciences and Education (JOSSE) is an open access, peer-reviewed, international journal that started its publication life in 2018. JOSSE is published twice a year with original, scientific and academic research in the field of social sciences and education in Turkish or English. JOSSE release dates are May and October.

Journal of Social Sciences and Education (JOSSE) aims to be active in the field of social sciences and education by including original research and studies in all fields of social sciences and education. With its publications, JOSSE strives to create an archive where scientists, researchers, teachers and students interested in social sciences and education can access it free of charge.

Journal of Social Sciences and Education includes original, scientific, academic, theoretical or applied research in all social sciences and education. In this sense, JOSSE; “Economics, Educational Sciences, Geography, History, International Relations, Linguistics, Political Science. It covers research in the fields of Psychology, Social Science, Musicology, Archeology, Law, Criminology, Business Science, Art History, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, etc.

Articles submitted to the journal should be arranged in the article template in accordance with APA 6 standards.

*Download the Article Template and continue your work in the template. 

You can find the article template HERE. Spelling rules are clearly stated for each section in the template. Articles sent to the journal must comply with the template and the spelling rules in the template.

Authors are required to upload the Similarity Report, Copyright Form, Ethics Committee Statement at the article submission stage.

*For studies that do not require an ethics committee statement, an official statement should be uploaded.

Title: The first letter of each word should be capitalized. The title of the article should be written in 16 point Times New Roman font.

Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 250 words, should be written in 11 font size and Times New Roman font, in the relevant area of ​​the template.

Article Type: Article Compilation, Research Article, Case Report, Book Review.

Corresponding Author Contact Information: Author information specified in the template should be added including Orcid.

Introduction: The article will be written in 12 point Times New Roman font. The line spacing will be 1.0 and the text will be justified. The margins will be set to 2.5 for the bottom, right and left, and 2.75 for the top paragraphs. Main headings and subheadings in the article should be written in bold and in the middle (without indentation). All letters of the main and subheadings should be capitalized. Headings should be divided up to a maximum of 4 levels. 1 line space should be left before and after the main headings, 1 space should be left before the subheadings and no spaces should be left after. The article should be written in APA 6 format: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/10837 
The subject of the article, purpose, problem situation, research questions, importance of the study, contribution to the field are included in this section. In addition, field scanning and problem determination should also be included in this section. The length of the introduction depends on the author, but a sufficient introduction is expected for the article to be accepted.

Results: All tables, figures, pictures and graphics in the article should be numbered consecutively in the appropriate places of the text and justified. Tables, figures, pictures and graphics should be arranged in accordance with APA rules. Each table, figure, picture or graphic should be given a title. Title; should be placed above the table, figure or graphic, aligned to the left, with only the initials of the words in capital letters and in 12 points. The article should be written according to the APA 6 format:  https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/10837 

Conclusion and Discussion: All tables, figures, pictures and graphics in the article should be numbered consecutively at appropriate places in the text and justified. Tables, figures, pictures and graphics should be arranged in accordance with APA rules. Each table, figure, picture or graphic should be given a title. Title; should be placed above the table, figure or graphic, aligned to the left, with only the initials of the words in capital letters and in 12 points. The article should be written according to the APA 6 format: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/10837 

Suggestions: All sources used in the article should be included in the bibliography section. The sources used should be listed alphabetically according to the surname of the author, without qualification (thesis, book, article, report, etc.). Works by the same author should be placed in the bibliography, starting with the "most recent" one. The article should be written according to the APA 6 format: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/10837 

References: It should be written in APA 6 format: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/10837 

*Download the Article Template and continue your work in the template.

Journal of Social Sciences and Education (JOSSE) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access and free journal that started its publication life in 2018. It broadcasts twice a year, in May and October.
Among JOSSE's priorities is the provision of high publishing standards. Publication ethics, which is an important issue in line with this priority of the journal, should be aimed at mixing ethical standards by editorial boards, referees and authors, and attention should be paid to publication ethics.
Compliance with standards of ethical behavior is therefore expected from all parties involved: Authors, Editors, Reviewers and Publisher.

1. Article Submission
The submission and follow-up of the articles in Turkish or English is done electronically on our DergiPark system web page https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/josse.
Authors must first register in the DergiPark system from the web address for researchers. For registered authors, the Submit Article steps of the Journal of Social Sciences and Education should be followed. Before the article submission phase of the authors, the Purpose and Scope, Research and Publication Ethics, Authoring Rules, and other sections on the main page of the journal should be examined and taken into consideration. Researchers should use the journal's Article Template for their articles.
2. Preflight
The articles are reviewed by the editorial board in terms of the availability and suitability of the writing rules, similarity report, ethics committee report and copyright form files before they go to the evaluation stage. Articles with missing files, which do not comply with the publication principles and spelling rules, are returned to the author at the Pre-Check stage for correction and completion.

3. Peer Review
Articles that have all files uploaded to the system and comply with the determined publication principles and writing rules are sent to at least two referees determined by the editorial board for evaluation. This process is continued as double-blind refereeing. Author and referee information is kept confidential for both parties throughout the process. Referees are selected by the editorial board for the evaluation process of the articles according to their fields of expertise. Referee returns are forwarded to the editor via the system with evaluation reports or related editing files.
During the refereeing process, the authors and referees do not communicate directly, the necessary communication is provided by the editors via DergiPark e-mail. The submission of the referee reports to the author and the author's edits to the referee is carried out by the editorial board.
4. Evaluations and Regulation
Peer review helps the editor make editorial decisions and can assist the author in improving the article through editorial communications with the author.

Scientifically examined articles;
It is published if a "publishable" report is given by each referee.
- If one of the referees reports "can be published" and the other "not published", the article is sent to a third referee and a decision is made in line with the report of the third referee.
- If the referees foresee a correction, the article is sent back to the author to make the necessary corrections. Corrections are made by the author within one month at the latest and submitted to the journal. The corrected article is re-evaluated by the referees. If the author objects to the referee's opinion during the article evaluation phase, another referee's opinion is applied.
- If one or both of the referees report "publishable after revisions", the articles are sent back to their authors to make necessary adjustments.
While the articles that receive the positive opinion of two referees can be accepted by the decision of the editorial board, the articles that two referees give negative opinions are rejected.

5. Publication
Articles that receive the "publishable" opinion of at least two referees are included in the publication portfolio and published as open access on our website https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/josse in the order determined by the Editorial Board. The publication of the articles is subject to the decision of the editorial board, even if they have received a positive opinion from the referees.
Journal of Social Sciences and Education (JOSSE), all articles submitted for consideration and publication are subject to at least double-blind peer-reviews for originality, ethical considerations, and useful contributions. Editorial and referee decisions will be the only tool and final for the publication of articles in the journal.
6. Article Withdrawal Status
The articles sent to our journal can be withdrawn by the authors while they are in the pre-control phase. It is not possible to withdraw the articles that have passed the evaluation stage.

JOSSE is an open-access, free-of-charge journal with a blind peer-review system.

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